Established in 2020, Selm Academy stands as a distinguished Canadian Islamic primary school, exclusively dedicated to students from Junior Kindergarten through Grade 8. Rooted in the teachings of the Qur’an, the Sunnah, and the Ahl al-Bayt, Selm Academy has been a steadfast institution in fostering the holistic development of children and youth.
Vision for Educational Leadership:
In its pursuit of educational excellence, Selm Academy envisions itself as a leader in molding the minds and hearts of children and youth, guided by the divine wisdom of the Qur’an and the Sunnah. From academic proficiency to a deep commitment to serving humanity, the institution strives to cultivate individuals who transcend traditional educational boundaries, addressing global challenges with a profound awareness of their spiritual existence.
Mission for Holistic Development:
Selm Academy, from a third-person perspective, is on a mission to educate for excellence in moral character, intellectual rigor, and physical well-being, guided by an unwavering commitment to Islamic Ithna-Ashari values. The institution aims to achieve measurable outcomes in spiritual, academic, social, and athletic domains, reflecting the holistic teachings of Islam. Beyond conventional education, emphasis is placed on collaboration, leadership, critical thinking, and personal growth, all rooted in the Islamic ethos. Co-curricular programs, infused with Islamic principles, play a pivotal role in equipping students with the skills necessary for navigating the challenges of the future.
Values Rooted in Islamic Principles:
At the heart of Selm Academy’s philosophy are values deeply embedded in Islamic principles, derived from the Qur’an, the Sunnah, and the teachings of the Ahl-ul-Bayt. The institution is dedicated to nurturing God-consciousness (Taqwa), compassion (Rahma), reason (Aql), respect (Izzah), dignity (Karama), and service (Khidma). These Islamic virtues are seen as the cornerstone of character development, fostering an environment where students not only find contentment in this world and the Hereafter but also emerge as exemplary role models who positively impact society.
Collaboration with Educators and Institutions:
For educators, educational activists, and institutions committed to Islamic excellence, Selm Academy extends a welcoming invitation to join forces. Together, let us shape a future where education becomes a transformative journey, preparing individuals to thrive in a diverse and interconnected world while upholding the values of Islam. The institution envisions a collaborative effort to pave the way for a generation that embodies knowledge, compassion, and ethical leadership, in alignment with the teachings of Islam.